Sunday, December 7, 2014

Blind Shoes: Shoes for the blind.

Feeling concerned about the condition of his friends were attacked by glaucoma and then suffered blindness, making young creators from Magelang, Naskan, moved to design a smart shoes made specifically for blind people.

Shoes are designed Naskan named Blind Shoes. At a glance, this shoe looks amazing and the shape was similar to the casual shoe on the market. However, when viewed more closely, these shoes have a number of outstanding features.

"The main features are owned Blind Shoes are equipped with vibration sensors can indicate a number of obstacles when comrades blind was in the street," said the editorial office Naskan, in SCTV Tower, Jakarta.

Sensors, further Naskan, will vibrate when they encountered a number of obstacles, such as holes, vehicles, walls, and even be able to show the road markings.

"The sensor will vibrate when comrades blind encounter resistance at a distance of 80 cm to 1 meter and a height of 15 cm as well as on the hole or limiting the sidewalk," added the man born Starch, August 28, 1983 the.

Not only that, continued Naskan, Blind Shoes are also equipped with a single chip micro computer that acts as the brain that controls all of the features and data storage. And the most interesting, smart shoes can charge the battery automatically.

"Blind Shoes can charge the battery by itself through kinetic generator pinned under the soles of shoes. The battery will be charged automatically when the user step. And there is a battery that can be used as POWERBANK to charge mobile devices," said the man was a graduate of the STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

But today Blind Shoes is still a prototype and in the development stage. More details please refer to the special interview below.

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