Sunday, November 9, 2014

10 Strangest Animals in the World

Every year researchers have always found many new species of animals and many ofthe species are difficult to classify. Therefore many of them considered to be a very strange animal for us, especially because of the unusual shape. Here's 10 weirdestanimals in the world that you may not know it.
10. Mexican Mole Lizard

Also known as Ajolote or Bipes, Mexican Mole Lizard is a strange lizard-like snake-legged. This lizard has a long shape resembles a snake, but they have a pair of legs (or maybe hands) near their heads. Not only the odd shape, gait Mexican Mole Lizard is also quite unique is half running and half-creep.   

9. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus as a child

You might remember the Dumbo from Disney? Yes, the elephant has big ears and can fly. Inventors of this animal also write the name of Dumbo Octopus, is based on the Disney film Dumbo. This is because the Dumbo octopus has a likeness as if it had an actual ear is their fins. Do not mistakenly think that they will always look cute like the picture above, believe me, when they grow up you will not want to see them.

8. Aye-Aye

If you usually have fur cute lemurs, the Aye Aye is a very strange animal

At a depth of Madagascar, Aye-Aye is a nocturnal primate in the world. If you usually have the appearance and fur lemur pretty funny. but not for this one lemur species. Aside from their faces very strange, they also can be seen from one of their fingers are very long. The purpose of it is to pry fingers larvae from tree holes.

7. Saiga Antelope

Antelope with a strange nose named Saiga Antelope

An antelope with a very unique appearance like an alien. Saiga Antelope can be easily seen from the nose down to their mouths. Unfortunately, their existence is increasingly threatened with extinction every year. How not, Saiga Antelope is one of the living fossil which has survived to now since 250,000 years ago. Realizing that they can last up to hundreds of thousands of years have been pretty amazing.

6. Promachoteuthis Sulcus

Promachoteuthis Sulcus is weird squid species that have teeth like a human

Promachoteuthis Sulcus is the name of a strange animal on top. The reason why is the scientific name of this animal is that the animal is known by chance, just from one single specimen found in the German research vessel at a depth of about 6000 feet under the sea. It is a species of squid that are terrible to have human-like teeth, eight-legged, and 2 tentacles.

5. Red-Lipped Batfish

Fish Red Lipped Batfish thick lips

Reporting from the Mother Nature Network, Red Lipped Batfish is one of the ugliest animal in the world. It's not a given fish lipstick but they actually have a thick red mouth as if using redundant lipstrik. Interestingly, although they are referred to as fish, they are not experts in swimming and "walk" by using their fins. The purpose of the lips is merehanya attract their prey.

4. Piure

Piure is an organism that is popular as a food in Chile

Do you believe that there is a stone that can bleed? Precisely is Piure or scientifically, Pyura chilensis. Although very primitive and barely able to move, this one in fact is an animal. At first glance this animal actually shaped like an ancient stone, but in it is the meat turns bright red like blood. Make no mistake, it turns out this strange animal is an animal that is quite popular in Chile to be the food.

3. The Goblin Shark

Shark that seemed to come from our worst nightmares Goblin Shark

Aside from being one of the weirdest fish in the world, not much is known about the shark on this one. Little is known is that they live in the deep ocean and is one of the ancient fish were still alive today, precisely since 125 million years ago. It has a pretty awful appearance as if it came from your worst nightmare, ie a long snout with long teeth that are not bearturan.

2. Sea Pig

Sea cucumbers are part of the underwater species that is Sea Pig

Deep-sea animals is actually very close to sea urchins or sea cucumbers. The reason why they were given the name Sea Pig or Swine Sea and the color is due to the behavior of their body that resembles a pig, it's just the shape may have been "mutated". Can easily be found clustered on the sea floor of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific, and India.

1. Blobfish

Fish with the most bizarre shapes, blobfish

Can be found in the sea in Australian waters is a "fish" the strangest forms you have ever seen, none other than the Blobfish. No need to elaborate, just from the picture above, you can find out why these animals included in the list of the most bizarre animals in the world. Often touted as the ugliest animal in the world.

The reason why it has a shape like this is because most of the mass of meat resembles jelly densities are even smaller than the density of water. Because the condition of the body as they swim here as if only by float and only eat food that was passing in front of them.

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